
I've been having some horrific shoulder blade pain for over a few years now. Doctors put it down to the wear and tear of using crutches for years or over using my arm. But what I don't understand is, if this was going to happen, why did nobody tell me? When I initially went to … Continue reading Countdown

So far so good

I think I've almost managed to keep to a schedule/routine over the past few days and honestly it really has made me appreciate the time I have to myself. Where as before I hardly spent any time out of the house or with people and being on my own meant I was over thinking things … Continue reading So far so good

Body changes

I want to talk about an important topic today. I know from experience; I hate talking about my weight or my insecurities but I feel that this platform could enable me to do just that. I've always struggled to find helpful weight loss advice for people with mobility issues. Most of my reading materials advised … Continue reading Body changes